Hello! It's me
A junior developer from Hungary. Recently I'm teaching programing, but I'm open for works or projects. I had some interest projects and storys, if you are interested or searching for a developer, just read on.
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A few things about me

I’m Bálint Domnánovich, I'm 20 years old and I live in Hungary (Kőszeg). I'm interested in programing and IT since I was child. That's why I went to learn programing at Highschool. After my software developer exam, my school hired me as a teacher, because of my skills and my passion for teaching. Of course I play video games in my freetime but, I love to play tennis and work out too. Also I'm a hobby Photographer and I have some skills in photoshopping as well.

“Healthy soul in healty body”


Over 5-years of learning

I always love to learn new things and be participated in projects.

Nádasdy Tamás Vocational School 2017 - 2021

I obtained my graduation with excellent results, also at an advanced level in IT.

Show more Csepreg, Hungary
Nádasdy Tamás Vocational School 2021 - 2022

I get my OKJ education as software developer with 96% result.

Show more Csepreg, Hungary
Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE) 2022 - present

This is the oldest and largest University in Hungary, I have admitted with 432 points for the Software Engineer department.

Show more Szombathely, Hungary
Instructor 2022 - present

As a secondary job, I teach programing to graduate students and web-developement for the eleventh class in Nádasdy

Show more Csepreg, Hungary
Project 2023

I was in Milan for a project work with Nádasdy and Erasmus+. I went as a project leader teacher and I got a certificate from the company. The projects was about 3D modelling in web and Svelte.

Show more Milan, Italy

I really like to listen music while working

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Open spotify


Software planning / Back-end developing / Front-end basic developing / Application-testing / SQL database handling / Photo editing

Tools | Use

Visual Studio / Visual Code / Netbeans / Photoshop / Lightroom / Figma / Laragon / MySQL Workbench

Latest Works

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